Member-only story
Quick- for $497- you too can learn how to sell courses for $497!
There are very few things in this world slimier than selling courses to people who you know won’t benefit from your pitch. We see it all the time here and all over the web. Digital nomads whip up a quick-fix solution, market the hell out of it, and then funnel the naive through their get-rich-quick scheme.
It’s frustrating to watch.
Hell, why don’t you just come out and say it, “I am selling false dreams and aspirations.”
Sure, sure, sales will dip a bit, but then you’ll finally get your self-respect back.
We all know the type who go online and constantly brag about “not ever having a real job” and show you the highlights of their fantasy lifestyle as creators.
You can almost imagine yourself there. Free from the chains of work, being your own boss, living the 4 Hour Workweek dream… but it’s a fantasy.
Here’s what “creators” fail to mention:
- Most of what made them successful was a combination of luck and timing. They couldn’t repeat their success if they did the…