Member-only story
Much more to come- I’m going quiet to work on a few projects.
Hey everyone, I wanted to take a moment to thank each one of you for reading my content and following along on my learning and writing journey.
It’s been a helluva lotta fun, and I have no plans on slowing down or stopping anytime soon.
2021 is just the beginning!
However, I have a few content/writing projects that require my full attention.
- I am creating a CSCA (certified in strategy & competitive analysis) test bank and study prep product that will be best-in-class,
- I am expanding The Great Resignation article into another book,
- I am writing a children’s book, and
- I am submitting articles/columns to IMA’s Strategic Finance publication with an audience of 150k+ readers.
I will also be launching a podcast shortly, called “Your Career in Management Accounting,” converting articles to text-to-video for YouTube and establishing a presence on Quora.
With all this in mind, I will begin dialing back my article writing to just once a week for the time being.
You, the reader, and the response my content has received has encouraged me to grow more into the writing and content…