When we walked into the clinic, they asked for my name. I couldn’t breathe.
Holding the best creature I’ve known for 16 years, I tried to explain who I was and why we were there, but nothing came out.
For months, we knew the day would come. She’d experienced cancer, near death, and bounced back. But she was never the same.
At night, I’d pull her extra close and smell her. So many had complimented how perfectly soft her fur was for any dog. And her personality matched her incredible inner softness.
She’d follow me anywhere, look into my eyes with a deep sense of knowing, and wait.
That morning, she walked off the patio into the grass and collapsed. In an instant, I knew this was it.
Despite mistakes I had made in ignoring her, accidentally neglecting her, and leaving her with my parents for too long, she never held it against me.
She gave us so much, and we are so appreciative.
It’s rare to find a creature you bond so closely to, but this one was special. She was my pal. And now she’s gone.
My buddy passed in May, before the birth of our daughter, and it broke me. Marcie would have loved her.
As my pal breathed her last in the vet's office, I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t see. I knew before they did when she was gone.
Fuck, I miss my dog.